Our Story

Hi, we are Patrick and Lance, and we are what makes up Active Atom Precision Machining. 

Who is Patrick Lara and Lance Conway?

Well, we are childhood friends since 1975 and while we are sharing, we have been in business since May of 1993 doing what we love.  Easy no, not at all but fun yes!  Each day we actually love our work, if we can really call it work but do not get us wrong, the work we perform almost daily is some of the toughest style of manufacturing work that we do, as it takes a lot of patience and a lot of manual hand work.  

Here is a link to our profiles, backgrounds and other history details about the two of us and also the others that helped us get here which have also been our mentors.


A Bit More of Just Who these Two Guys are 

We are designers, engineers, programmers, machinists, micro-machinists and watchmakers.  We really are these things and our purpose for knowing all of these skills is to accomplish a lot of challenges as they arise here.

Two things from our years of work really stand out for us both and that is we love when a customer comes in, picks up their timepiece after a service and 2nd, we can machine and drill holes that you can only see through a microscope, with spot on perfection.  We get a real rush out these two activities the most. 

Our Shop Adventures Shows on YouTube

We do have something that began happening in late 2018 and we are enjoying this activity a lot.  That is the making of our YouTube shows named Shop Adventures on our Active Atom YouTube Channel and as it turns out, we actually enjoy sharing our work, our lives, our skills and our knowledge with both our current viewers and we  hope future generations that follow as they stumble across our shows.

Please visit our YouTube channel at youtube.activeatom.com.

There is this one thing that came from making these shows, it is the number of great people that we now call our friends, people that like us, learned something from us and shared their ideas and thoughts with us.  They say we are very passionate about the making of precision machine parts and components that are ultimately finished, assembled and offered for others to enjoy and care for many a decades to come.

Thank you for visiting our store,

Patrick & Lance